Building skills in body image counselling for dietitians

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Please note this is a recorded webinar series – watch it at your own convenient time, in a comfortable location. 


Webinar 1: Body Image Healing: Where to Begin & Tools to Get You Started

In this webinar, Fiona Sutherland and Marci Evans will provide you with a foundational understanding of what body image is, how it is constructed, and how to begin exploring this complicated topic with your clients. They will provide you with two constructs of body image healing to aid you in assessing body image in your clients which will point you in the direction of formulating thoughtful interventions. They will also discuss goal setting and establishing expectations for the work.


Key learning outcomes:

By the end of this webinar, participants will:

1. Understand how to define “Body Image” as per literature, and in the context of working with clients
2. Develop new ways of understanding how to introduce body image work to clients
3. Understand the factors which may influence body image
4. Understand scope of practice – what’s in, what’s out
5. Understand how, when and why to implement a variety of base body image skills
6. Develop insight into how our own body image may help or hinder the work we do with others

Webinar 2: Body Image Counselling – building skills

In this second of the 2-part webinar, Fiona and Marci will explore more about practical skill development when supporting your clients with body image work. We will be discussing how to assess if and when your client is ready to explore body image, moving from “fixing” to “being” and practical strategies in body image healing you can bring into your practice right away!


Key learning outcomes:
By the end of this webinar, participants will:

1. Understand how the stages of change model intersects with body image work
2. Understand the difference between “fixing” and “being”
3. Develop a variety of new unique skills in building body image resilience


About the speakers:

Fiona Sutherland is the Director of The Mindful Dietitian & Body Positive Australia and has been practising for over 15 years primarily in the areas of eating behaviour, eating disorders, body image, sports nutrition & education/training. She has been integrating the Non Diet Approach into Dietetic practice for over 10 years, and is passionate about supporting Health Professionals to develop skills in understanding more about the complexities of client presentations, and how we can focus on wellbeing. As an Eating Disorders specialist, Fiona has a particular interest in binge eating and finding evidence-based, compassionate ways of working with people in larger bodies.   Fiona is also a Sports Dietitian, working with emerging professional dancers at The Australian Ballet School and host of The Mindful Dietitian Podcast.


Fiona is a dedicated mindfulness practitioner and Yoga Teacher, bringing a particular emphasis on mindful eating and the intersection of food environment, eating psychology and body image into her work and training. She has trained in MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), MSC (Mindful Self Compassion) and MB-EAT (Mindfulness Based Eating Awareness Training). Fiona is guest lecturer within Deakin University Dietetics course within the areas of eating behaviour, Body Image, counselling skills and the Non Diet Approach.



Marci Evans is a Food and Body Imager Healer®. She has dedicated her career to counseling, supervising, and teaching in the field of eating disorders. She is a Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian and Supervisor, certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Certified ACSM personal trainer. In addition to her group private practice, Marci launched an online eating disorders training for dietitians in 2015 and co-directs a specialized eating disorder dietetic internship at Simmons College in Boston. She volunteers as the eating disorder resource professional for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  She has spoken locally and nationally at numerous conferences and media outlets. She loves social media so tweet her @marciRD, follow her on Facebook and Instagram, and check out her blog at



CPD/CEU hours are applicable for Australia and New Zealand dietitians. Check your local country requirements to see if you can claim for continuing education.

Webinar Slides:

Body Image Webinar Notes

Continuing Education (USA)
Duration2 hours
CPEUs AwardedN/A
Performance IndicatorsN/A