Gut-loving goodness e-book
What’s included:✓ 10+ simple gut-loving recipe ideas your clients will enjoy
What’s included:✓ 10+ simple gut-loving recipe ideas your clients will enjoy
What’s included:✓ 7 tips for improving gut health
What’s included:✓ What are whole grains and why are they healthy?✓ How many whole grain …
What’s included:✓ The importance of a healthy gut✓ Tips to increase the variety of plant …
What’s included:✓ What is farting and how to ease the pain✓ What is bloating and …
What’s included:✓ Food swaps to increase fibre intake✓ Recommended daily fibre intake for men and …
What’s included:✓ A table of different plant foods which can be ticked off each week
What’s included:✓ What is coeliac disease✓ Diagnosis of coeliac disease✓ Coeliac disease and the gluten …
What’s included:✓ Why it’s important to check in with your poo✓ What a healthy poo …
What’s included:✓What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome✓ What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease✓ FODMAPs and a low-FODMAP …
What’s included:✓ Four key pillars of good gut health
What’s included:✓ The difference between an allergy and an intolerance✓ How do you know if …
What’s included:✓ Gluten containing foods✓ Gluten free foods✓ Tips to minimise the risk of cross-contamination
What’s included:✓ The importance of carbohydrates✓ What foods contain carbohydrates✓ Which carbohydrates to eat more …
What’s included:✓ What is GORD?✓ Can diet impact GORD?✓ Strategies to reduce GORD symptoms
What’s included:✓ What is dumping syndrome?✓ What are the symptoms?✓ How can I manage it?
What’s included:✓ Guide to gluten containing foods✓ Guide to gluten free foods✓ 7 tips to …