Gut Health Online Symposium

CPD/CEU hours are applicable for Australian and New Zealand dietitians. Check your local country requirements to see if you can claim for continuing education.

In this Gut Health Symposium – supported by Microba – we’re bringing you five key experts on understanding the interaction between the microbiome and food components in the management of IBS.

Tune into all six webinars to learn about the latest research in adjunct therapies and IBS, the bioavailability of functional food components and how they impact the gut microbiome, the impact of Low FODMAP diet on the microbiome, how you can adjust your client’s diet for a diverse microbiome while managing IBS and the clinical relevance of using microbiome analysis in Dietetic practice.

This symposium will provide a deeper understanding of what role the gut microbiome plays in health, what to look out for in an analysis report and how to empower patients to make more informed choices about nutrition for their gut health.


  • Gut microbes: who they are and how to feed them — Dr Anneline Padayachee
  • Evidence-based dietary approaches for supporting microbiome health during the management of IBS — Dr Paula Smith-Brown
  • The low FODMAP diet: does it work, and how does it impact diet quality and the microbiome? — Dr Heidi Staudacher
  • Evidence-based practical application of probiotics in the management of IBS — Dr Jason Hawrelak
  • Dietetic application of Microba analysis in private practice — Geraldine Georgeou
  • Evidence-based practical application of prebiotics and specific fibres in the management of IBS — Dr Jason Hawrelak
  • Master of Ceremonies — Anita Tait

Click here to read more about the program


Learning materials (webinar recordings and lecture notes) are released on 1st, 8th and 15th May 2020 at 5pm (Syd/Melb time).


This Gut Health Symposium has been developed for healthcare professionals. The information in this Symposium is not, and is not intended to be, medical advice. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action on any issue covered within the Symposium.


Webinar Slides:

Download SLIDES for Dr Anneline Padayachee

Watch the VIDEO: Microbiome Basics

Download SLIDES for Dr Paula Smith-Brown

Download SLIDES for Dr Heidi Staudacher

Download SLIDES for Dr Jason Hawrelak: Probiotics

Download SLIDES for Geraldine Georgeou

Download SLIDES for Dr Jason Hawrelak: Prebiotics

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[Outside of Australia]: Register your interest for the FREE Microba Insights Program

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Continuing Education (USA)
Duration4 hours
CPEUs Awardedn/a
Performance Indicatorsn/a