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Dietitian Connection and Education in Nutrition wish to thank everyone who participated across the country in the first Dietitian’s Day.  A big thank you to our fantastic speakers.  And a special thank you to our supporters and sponsors, without their support the event would not have been possible.

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Professor Sandra Capra presented “Our work as dietitians and nutritionists to celebrate and reflect on”.  Sandra spoke about how it is important to look to the past to see the future.  We need to acknowledge the advocacy of past leaders and determine what we are doing today that will lead to greatness tomorrow.  Sandra talked about the pioneers of our profession – Edith Tilton from the USA who was the first dietitian in NSW, Jo Rogers who was the first student dietitian in Australia, and Joan Woodhill who was the first dietitian trained in NSW (having studied in the USA).  Prof Capra quoted Peter Drucker “Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes”.  In conclusion, Sandra reflected on the fact that dietitians make a difference – we help others, touch lives, reduce health care costs and improve the wellbeing of the community.  From humble small beginnings we have grown to be the powerful effective profession we have become today!

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