Practical strategies for advancing PKU care in the community setting

Australian/NZ dietitians: CPD hours are applicable for Australia and New Zealand dietitians.
US dietitians: “Practical strategies for advancing PKU care in the community setting” awards 1.0 CPEUs in accordance with the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s CPEU Prior Approval Program. CPEUs for the live webinar expire on February 14, 2026, and CPEUs for the webinar recording expire on February 14, 2028.

Check your local country requirements to see if you can claim for continuing education.


About the webinar:

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare metabolic disorder that affects the breakdown of phenylalanine (Phe) and can lead to significant disability without proper management. With lifelong dietary therapy, including a Phe-restricted diet and Phe-free amino acid supplements, outcomes can be significantly improved. In this webinar, specialist metabolic dietitian Anne-Marie Desai will focus on the dietary management of adults born before the implementation of newborn screening, as well as those who discontinued treatment during childhood. This webinar will provide a unique opportunity for all dietitians to upskill in this metabolic disorder and learn practical strategies for meal planning with low-protein foods, connecting patients with specialised metabolic centres, and supporting a patient’s transition back to a low-protein diet.

About the speaker:

Anne-Marie Desai, APD is a specialist metabolic dietitian. She has extensive experience in provision of dietary therapy for people living with inborn errors of metabolism. Anne-Marie has a passion for provision of accessible education. She has developed numerous invaluable resources for people living with Phenylketonuria which are used across specialist centres in Australia. Anne-Marie’s second speciality is renal nutrition. Anne-Marie gained expertise in all aspect of kidney nutrition care through training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Eastern Health. She has also undertaken further training in the United States where she worked with leading kidney physicians at Tufts Medical Center, Boston. Anne-Marie is currently employed at the Royal Melbourne Hospital as a senior metabolic dietitian and consults to Fresenius Kidney Care, B Braun Renal Care and through her private practice, Melbourne Kidney Nutrition.

Supported by Nutricia

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The content, products and/or services referred to in this symposium are intended for Health Care Professionals only and are not, and are not intended to be, medical advice, which should be tailored to your individual circumstances. The content is for your information only, and we advise that you exercise your own judgement before deciding to use the information provided. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action. The reference to particular products and/or services in this symposium does not constitute any form of endorsement. Please see  here  for terms and conditions. 


Webinar Slides:

Download webinar slides here

Continuing Education (USA)
Duration1 hour
CPEUs Awarded1.0
Performance Indicators9.1.3, 9.2.1, 9.5.1