How much do you know about blenderised tube feeding? Tune into this intriguing conversation with Accrediting Practising Dietitian Lina Breik who shares her experience with clients opting for blenderised diets and her current research endeavours on the topic. You’ll explore many aspects of blenderised feeding including trends in home feeding, challenges patients face and how to support them in overcoming these. Plus, Lina debunks three major myths on blenderised feeding including food contamination and hygiene, tube blockages and nutritional inadequacy



Lina Breik is the Founding Lead Dietitian at Tube Dietitian, a community-based home enteral nutrition service that aims to bridge the gap between hospital and home for people with feeding tubes. She is also currently pursuing a PhD in home tube feeding investigating the experiences and challenges of adults living with a feeding tube. After a decade of clinical nutrition experience across various hospitals in Victoria, Lina has now found her passion which is to improve the quality of life for individuals with feeding tubes through providing personalized nutrition support and education in the comfort of their home. She is a dedicated healthcare professional with a thirst for connecting with dietitian colleagues from all walks of the profession, so don’t forget to connect with her on social media.


In this episode, we discuss:

  • The top four challenges to blenderised tube feeding
  • What blenderised tube feeding means in nutrition publications and communications
  • Three common myths about blenderised tube feeding
  • How you develop blenderised recipes and steps to supporting your patient  
  • What patient centred care means and requires of dietitians  

Additional resources

British Dietetic Association Practice Toolkit: The Use of Blended Diet with Enteral Feeding Tubes

Blended tube feeding in enteral feeding: Consensus Statement (AuSPEN)

Natural Tube Feeding website

Tube Dietitian website

This podcast is not, and is not intended to be, medical advice, which should be tailored to your individual circumstances. This podcast is for your information only, and we advise that you exercise your own judgment before deciding to use the information provided. Professional medical advice should be obtained before taking action.  Please see here for terms and conditions.


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