Fiona Sutherland is Director of The Mindful Dietitian and Body Positive Australia; she has been practising for 15 years primarily in the areas of eating behaviour, eating disorders and sports nutrition. Fiona is also currently the nutrition consultant The Australian Ballet School and Racing Victoria’s Jock Apprenticeship Program. More recently, Fiona has developed a passion or mindfulness practice with emphasis on mindful eating and the intersection of food environment eating psychology and body image.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Early dreams of being a physio and the journey that lead Fiona to becoming a (“an accidental”) dietitian.
- How fiona discovered her desired job within the profession
- Fiona’s job working in youth leadership and how it inspired her vision
- Discovering the non-diet approach and reaching out to Rick Kausman (If Not Dieting, Then What?)
- Fiona’s “serendipitous” pathway into sports nutrition and the opportunities that unfolded.
- The Mindful Dietitian: how it began, how it transformed Fiona’s professional practice and personal life.
- How to incorporate mindfulness into your practice: start with yourself with regular mindful practice
Additional resources
- Smiling Mind app
- Headspace app
- Dietitians Unplugged podcast
- The Mindful Dietitian podcast
- Food Psych Podcast
- The Centre for Mindful eating
- The Love, Food Podcast