This resource was developed by Nutrition Education Materials Online (NEMO).
 Click here to access this resource.
NEMO is an initiative of Queensland Health Dietitian/Nutritionists which aims to provide access to high quality nutrition resources. Groups of volunteer dietitian/ nutritionists review existing resources, modify and/or develop new resources. All resources are based on current clinical evidence and undergo extensive consultation and consumer testing before recommendation for use.
Please use this site to access NEMO recommended resources, newly developed resources that are under review, other resources, useful links and contacts.
Benefits of NEMO resources:
•               Consistency of information and quality of education materials
•               Easy access to nutrition education resources recommended by peers
•               Sharing of resources already developed by Queensland Health dietitian/ nutritionists
•               Less duplication of nutrition education resources
•               A central access point for nutrition education resources
•               Regular reviews and updates of resources
•               Assistance for anyone with limited time to develop quality materials
•               Somewhere to access the unusual diet sheets rarely used
NEMO has enjoyed wide consultation and collaboration amongst Dietitians and Nutritionists with input from metropolitan, regional and rural practitioners.