The Department of Nutrition and Food Services at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) in Melbourne began a Certificate in Paediatric Nutrition and Dietetics in 1997. This highly regarded course is exclusively for qualified dietitians, with the course content targeted to meet the training needs and learning outcomes for Paediatric Dietitians.

University entry criteria apply. Candidates must hold a graduate or post graduate qualification in Dietetics. Evidence of qualifications must be provided.

The course runs within a financial year i.e. July – June.

Unit 2: 12th-15th May 2025.
Unit 1: 8th-11th September 2025.

Successful completion of Unit 1 is required to proceed to Unit 2. It is not possible to complete Unit 2 prior to Unit 1. However, Dietitians with 3+ years’ experience in paediatric dietetics may apply to complete Unit 2 only.

Contact hours
Two Units will be held in blocks of 4 days (Monday-Thursday). Each unit provides approximately 24 contact hours with additional non-contact hours required to complete assessment tasks.


Unit 2 2025 will run onsite at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Ella Latham Lecture Theatre.

Unit 1 2025 will be online. (Unit 2 2026 will also be online)

Soft-copies of slides will be provided prior to the course start date where possible.

Assessment for both units is by a written online examination to be completed following each of the units.

Participants pass the examination to receive a certificate of completion.

NB: Completion of Unit 1 and 2 does not render participants experienced, paediatric dietitians. Within the realms of the two units, it is only possible to provide the theoretical background on which future practice can be based. Following the course, it is the responsibility of each participant to keep their knowledge regarding paediatric nutrition updated.

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