Low carb diets in dietetic practice

US dietitians: 1.0 CE from CDR.
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About the webinar:

Can lower carb diets effectively manage body weight? Do they help to control appetite? And can they improve blood glucose and cholesterol levels? With the large rise in low-carb, high-protein foods on supermarket shelves, these are some of the questions patients and clients may bring to dietetic consultation rooms. In this webinar, Dr Pennie Taylor and dietitian Nick Wray will arm you with the latest science on low-carb eating to answer these questions in a helpful, evidence-based way. Dr Taylor will update you on the latest low-carb market trends, cover the plethora of health claims on low-carb products and discuss how such foods may be integrated into a healthy dietary pattern. Nick will then explore how these foods can be adapted into clinical practice in specific patient scenarios.


About the speakers:

Dr Pennie Taylor is a private practice dietitian and research scientist at CSIRO with a PhD from the University of Adelaide, exploring dietary factors and the integrated role of emerging health technologies for obesity, T2D and lifestyle management using a low carbohydrate, higher protein and higher healthy fats dietary approach. Pennie continues to enjoy working with industry and government partners to translate science into clinical and community outcomes, with a particular interest in utilising health technology and novel foods to optimise self-management strategies for improved health and wellbeing across. More recently, Pennie and Nick Wray formed 360Me nutrition a lifestyle and Bariatric surgery clinic, applying the lower carbohydrate dietary approach in Adelaide, SA.




Nick Wray is an accredited practising dietitian with more than 25 years of practice experience. Until 2009, he worked at Flinders Medical Centre as well as private practice including consultancy as a sports dietitian for the Adelaide Crows and AIS track cycling. Today, Nick now works full time in private practice where he continues to see people for a complete range of dietary issues.  Nick has extensive experience in and is an advocate for the lower carbohydrate, higher protein and healthy fat dietary approach to nutrition care. With the formation of 360Me with Pennie Taylor, Nick has a special interest in adopting a lower carbohydrate approach for the management of chronic disease and to provide support towards advancing dietitians in the delivery of practical and effective nutrition management.




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Continuing Education (USA)
Duration1 hour
CPEUs Awarded1.0
Performance Indicators6.2.3, 8.1.1, 8.1.2